All about Sant Jordi Day in Catalonia

28 Aug

Sant Jordi Day (St. George's Day), also popularly known as the Sant Jordi Day, is one of the most important events in Barcelona and Catalonia. It is celebrated every April 23rd, and even if it falls on a weekday requiring work, it remains special for all Catalans.

On Sant Jordi Day, the streets fill with roses, activities, music, and books.

Who was Sant Jordi?

Sant Jordi is the name of a Roman soldier executed in Nicomedia due to his Christian faith, and he is venerated as a martyr.


The Legend of Sant Jordi in Catalonia

Popularly, it is told that a dragon terrorized the town of Montblanc. To avoid its fury, the inhabitants began to sacrifice animals to the dragon to prevent greater evils.

Eventually, they ran out of animals to offer, so they had to start conducting periodic lotteries to sacrifice the town's residents one by one.

Years later, the day came when it was the princess's turn to be sacrificed. As she was about to be devoured by the dragon, Sant Jordi appeared and saved her, killing the monster with his lance. Beautiful roses sprouted from the dragon's blood, and Sant Jordi picked one to give to the princess to seal their love. Therefore, on Sant Jordi Day, the tradition is to give a rose.

Sant Jordi Day

The Origin of the Current Sant Jordi Tradition

The tradition is much more recent. It was an initiative of the Valencian writer living in Barcelona, Vicent Clavel, who in 1926 proposed this cultural exchange.

Additionally, since 1930, this day is also celebrated as the International Book Day. Therefore, it is also common to give a book as a gift.

Las Ramblas de Barcelona Sant Jordi Day

Activities in Barcelona during Sant Jordi Day

The tradition is to give roses and books, so the streets are filled with street stalls selling these two items. It is also common to find writers signing copies of their works.

The streets are adorned with Catalan flags, and activities, exhibitions, open-house days, workshops for all ages, and free concerts are organized.

But certainly, what makes this day special is the festive atmosphere and the displays of affection offered by those celebrating Sant Jordi Day.

If you are thinking of visiting Barcelona, this April 23rd is the perfect time to do so. Certainly, the entire team at Cosmopolitan Boutique Rambla